Yep! Don't make me switch to PVP and slap a Hunter's Mark on you!
Anyway, I've been playing World of Warcraft since just after the Burning Crusade expansion was released. My in-game interests include questing, running instances (at level or older content), raiding, farming reputations, and completing random achievements within the game.
I am guilty of sinking time into the Auction House to a minor extent (just to see what I can do). My stable of alternate characters helps feed this particular aspect of the game, but they also allow me to lose myself in a different character from time to time.
Outside WoW, I have a family and a career. Working 10-12 hours and spending time with my family, gaming is my third priority. I just don't have endless hours to devote to hard-core gaming, so I proudly wear the often maligned "Casual" title.